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    1. Vacuuming Trouble

      by , 03-03-2018 at 07:48 AM
      Morning of March 3, 2018. Saturday.

      In the last segment of my dream, I find myself holding a vacuum cleaner. I start to vacuum the floor, which has the appearance, to some extent, of the area near the entrance to my room in Cubitis (where I had not lived since 1978). However, it also has the essence of our present home.

      Over time, as I am vacuuming, there is a point at which the vacuum cleaner’s sound decreases. The suction becomes minimal, though I am still able to vacuum a little longer. I vacuum up small paper scraps as well as dust and small debris. Finally, the vacuum cleaner’s sound is almost inaudible. I bend the hose at different angles to see if that helps release any debris in the blocked area, but it does not seem to be working. As I am twisting the hose, my focus is to my left, the side the vacuum cleaner is mostly oriented toward.

      Eventually, in hypnopompic revelation (the emergent consciousness factor of liminal space, where the meaning of my dream is revealed to me), I discover that the blood circulation of my left arm had been cut off to a greater extent than usual, as I was sleeping on it. Thus, the blocked vacuum cleaner hose was autosymbolism for my left arm’s blocked circulation. RAS mentally prepared me for this with my dream’s focus on the blocked hose to resolve the issue as soon as possible after my dream’s cessation. (This is known as biological pattern matching.)

      My dream’s beginning is associated with the glymphatic system and the evidence that the clearance of interstitial waste products increases during the resting state.

    2. Water from a Vacuum Cleaner?

      by , 04-22-2016 at 10:22 AM
      Morning of April 22, 2016. Friday.

      In my dream, my wife Zsuzsanna and our children and I are living on Barolin Street though my family and I seem mostly as we are now. (We moved from there in the first part of 2008.)

      I am planning to go out through our back door from our kitchen to vacuum our utility room, which in real life has a concrete floor but with some of the area being bare ground. I am not focused on how futile it would be to vacuum near or over the bare ground and I illogically consider that our backyard might need some vacuuming as well.

      As I am dragging our vacuum cleaner easterly through our kitchen, I notice puddles of water here and there on our floor, which our vacuum cleaner’s power cord may have traversed. I try to determine where the water is coming from but I am not sure if it is from our vacuum cleaner or had already been there as the result of a spilled glass of water or a leak from our kitchen sink pipes. I also wonder if I should continue on to our utility room even though our vacuum cleaner is not plugged in yet. My dream fades from this point as I am looking down at our kitchen floor.

      As with many dreams, other than when literal prescience is a factor, this dream has no connection with waking life other than real-time biological associations. It is based on a distorted unconscious perception of the cleansing process that occurs during sleep, in which water is most often a circadian rhythms factor in symbolizing the dynamics of sleep. To help you understand, here is a quote from npr.org on “Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep”: “During sleep, the system that circulates cerebrospinal fluid through the brain and nervous system was ‘pumping fluid into the brain and removing fluid from the brain in a very rapid pace,’ Nedergaard says. The team discovered that this increased flow was possible in part because when mice went to sleep, their brain cells actually shrank, making it easier for fluid to circulate. When an animal woke up, the brain cells enlarged again and the flow between cells slowed to a trickle. 'It’s almost like opening and closing a faucet,’ Nedergaard says. 'It’s that dramatic.’”

      The above quote also explains why water as induction (dream state initiation), and why water getting lower over time as waking symbolism, has remained a consistent factor in thousands of my dreams for over fifty years, occurring in at least a few dreams each night.

      This validated biological symbolism is also why the vacuum cleaner hose seemingly has an ambiguous association with a garden hose in this particular dream. While a vacuum cleaner sucks in dust and dirt through the hose (inward dynamic), a garden hose washes away dust and dirt (outward dynamic). This is known as composite synthesis (in this case, the circadian rhythms cycle ambiguously mixed as a type of dream state economics, that is, mixing such elements in unification due to critical thinking skills and viable time orientation not existing in unconsciousness). Because this is a biological dream and not based on waking symbolism (other than there being less water in contrast to more water), it can be determined that the focus on cleaning the backyard relates to cellular cleansing processes regarding the human digestive system.

      This entry has been resupplemented on Wednesday, 16 August 2017. I welcome intelligent comments only.

      Updated 08-16-2017 at 11:10 AM by 1390

    3. Vacuuming

      by , 12-18-2014 at 11:07 AM
      Morning of December 18, 2014. Thursday.

      Although this dream was extraordinarily vivid, realistic, and very well-rendered and defined, it was a typical housecleaning dream without much going on. Often, in housecleaning dreams, I become semi-lucid and start mentally washing and painting the walls, but not in this case. (I sometimes even reupholster furniture in need of repair, with in-dream telekinesis).

      I am vacuuming the floor and especially corners of doorways, where a lot of dirt and dust has accumulated. My family (as they are now) are involved in other activities. I put a lot of attention on a wooden desk that I actually have not seen in many years. For some reason, this particular desk has appeared in far more of my dreams than other furniture even though I am not sure why (I suppose that sounds hilarious to non-dream-workers) and often appears in a location where it would not have been in reality. In this case, it seems to be a variation of our present home.

      This desk (which had been sloppily painted brown by someone who had apparently not liked the natural wood appearance and who also utilized the not-so-clever painting of the one small drawer so that it often got jammed for a short time) had single shelves on each side and a narrower area across the middle (under the top part) which I also used as a book holder (the books being a bit heavy and curving the board downward slightly). The most common type of dream this desk is associated with is the “sudden fictional books” feature - fictional books which I somehow remember having had most of my life - and this new dream is no exception.

      I get to a point where the sucking is not as strong as it should be and I reason that something is blocking it within the hose (I certainly hope this is not a cellular reference to my arteries). I also take off the normal head (as I sometimes do in reality) to use just the hose itself, as the head is often clumsily large and not very feasible anyway.

      From here, I see what is blocking the hose and the items (all paper-based) fall out into an open space. Firstly, it is a partly rolled, quickly sketched vacuum cleaner advertisement from a 1950s magazine showing a smiling woman in the seeming process of vacuuming a red and white vertically striped sofa but holding up the head to about the level of her head, angled out at about 25 degrees to the left. She looks very blissful in her small white lacy apron, holding up the vacuum head, ready to take on the world.

      Then, as the dream eventually loses cohesion (but is still very vivid at this point), I see that I had accidentally sucked up a blank sheet music booklet (but which is actually almost full of unpublished written-in musical works) which is actually an A5-sized booklet. I am slightly concerned about dirt having ruined the booklet, but I see that the dirt marks are mostly only on the corners of all the pages. I treasure this book…and remember it well…even though it has never actually existed.
    4. Cleaner than Clean (Flying Vacuum Cleaner)

      by , 09-16-2014 at 03:16 PM
      Morning of September 16, 2014. Tuesday.

      This is a rather bizarre and ridiculous dream; more amusing in afterthought.

      Two (unknown) people, a male and a female, are on a large stage in front of a very large audience. The setting is possibly loosely modeled after my old high school auditorium but probably could be anywhere. They are there to demonstrate a special type of vacuum cleaner which also refurbishes any environment to eventual perfection. Also on the stage is some sort of living room setting but with various types of curtains in different areas.

      Apparently the male is the one promoting the device and the female is there as possibly part of an audience participation event. The machine is turned on and, over time, the curtains, couch on stage, and carpeted floor - even the clothes the people on stage are wearing - become more and more beautiful, solely due to the removal of tiny particulates - dust motes and such. More and more, the audiences gasps in amazement as the setting becomes cleaner and cleaner and more perfect and more pleasant in appearance. In my dream, I even notice a continuously increasing enhancement of my own cheerful mood.

      Eventually, however, the vacuum-cleaner-like machine seems to increase in power, going at too high of a speed. There is a rather amusing scene where the female is holding onto the machine and flying through the air (being pulled by the machine, which is creating some sort of storm-like atmosphere on the stage, with a lot of wind and roaring) with the male holding onto her ankles and being dragged across the stage on his feet. Small pieces of stuffing from the couch are roaring around the stage everywhere (like a sandstorm) and there is thunder. I get the impression that it may start raining. (Aside from having heard the vacuum cleaner just recently - this is also quite possibly influenced by coincidentally having very recently seen two scenes with sandstorms with heavy, damaging particulates that shared the same scenario - those being in “Prometheus” from 2012 and in an episode of “Outcasts” from 2011).

      The audience is now gasping for a different reason, watching the onstage “storm”, yet I still get the impression that everything will turn out if they get the machine under control again. What is going on presently may be related somewhat to the concept of sandblasting but at a very augmented level.

      Updated 11-15-2016 at 04:42 PM by 1390

    5. Some fragments and the spider invasion

      by , 05-19-2014 at 05:25 PM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      .../Some kids are sitting around a table discussing the best name for a puppet character which was a TV show during the 90's. They all agree it would be named "Teddy the chubby friend". I "remember" it was always the name for the TV show and I think it couldn't be more accurate/...

      * It wasn't at all. The TV show name was "Karina y Timoteo".

      .../I see the sequence when a friend of mine receives a tattoo machine as a gift/...

      Nap after work:

      .../I'm in the room where I lived during my school times. I want to go to sleep when I realize some spiders have built their web between the ceiling and the window. I take a better look and see there are at least 10 spiders in a mass of webs, the bigger ones are deep in the mass, I remember some used to be the size of a little peach . I remember the big ones gave me the creeps. The webs hang above half of my bed, but they are too close that my hand gets stuck in one of them. I decide that I have to clean it up. My wife/ex-girlfriend (who I will call from now on, Simili) helps me. I want to use the vacuum cleaner but I don't remember where it is. I go to my older aunt's room, and see some other spiders there, but they are not many although the webs are huge. My aunt tells me something about some people were pruning trees in the street, now it's all clear to me. I see through her window some webs hanging from the street lighting.
      Simili tells me the vacuum cleaner is in my Aunt-mom's room. I go there and my aunt-mom tells me she put it into her closet. I take it "remembering" there was something about this thing. I get back to the room. The spider webs are huge now and there are more and more spiders. I see one of them walking on the floor. I want to take a picture of it. I try to focus the camera but the spider on the floor moves too fast. I can't, it's enough, I step on it before it hides under the bed. When I see the spider webs again I see a lot of multicolored butterflies hanging there too. I have to take a picture of that spectacle, it's amazing. When the automatic focus of the camera tries to focus the image it pulls the webs to my hands. It's disgusting, I put the camera back and all goes back to its place. I try a couple of times more but always the web gets attracted to the camera and it's impossible to take a picture/...

      * Woke up remembering spiders used to be a dream sign.

      Updated 05-19-2014 at 06:36 PM by 18736

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    6. more random nightmares

      by , 11-02-2012 at 06:15 AM
      murder mystery (just finished watching a lot of episodes of Hellsing anime)
      i was outside in this pit and someone was trying to kill me and the detective i was with...by pushing the walls together and there was a random guy making it happen just outside the trap we were in...and it got blamed on the butler even though me and the guy who was a detective knew it was the guy in charge....and there was a phone that he turned into a bomb and the police eventually came to arrest the butler and take the bomb because they knew that would happen with the detective because it usually does

      i was in my current apartment and the detective was still there as was the random guy...and this vacuum was outside my bedroom.....so i put it in the living room down the hall....and i turned it on to vacuum the rug because it was full of glitter and paper bits and the coffee table as upside down on the couch.....then i unplugged the vacuum because i realized it was late at night and i might wake me roommates...it kept falling down and i kept trying to put it in a way that it wouldn't...and it kept moving forward....and then i had it unplugged and part of it came off and looked mostly like the nerf ball (squishy football that is red and yellow) i have irl but with wheels....and it was moving around......then it was on the table...and i told the detective that maybe it wants pet like a cat or dog......and he pet it...and then it said it wanted a blood sample and took one from the detective......and one from the random guy who was on the couch (the room had put all the furniture back at this point to the way it normally was)........and it kept trying to get a sample from me but i screamed no and hit it away with a pillow....i was sitting on the back of the chair with my feet on the seat of the chair.......my roommates then came out and all told me in one voice at the same time (i don't really know then that well irl) that they told me this apartment was possessed (they were afraid of getting possessed a few days back because the power had gone out due to a major storm).....and i looked at the random guy and was thinking that i was right about something being wrong with the room and that i needed to get someone to cleanse the apartment (he had a look that said the same thing)......and then i had an idea to take it apart and take the chip controlling it out of it and smash all the parts with a hammer

      note: cinnamon and Diphenhydramime
    7. Fragments for July 1-3 2011

      by , 07-05-2011 at 04:34 AM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm cripplingly depressed, but I'm riding my bike anyway to meet my brother behind an old Blockbuster in my hometown. The store has been repurposed into a porn store, and I go in and buy something. I see my mom exit from the nearby Walgreens, so naturally I drop the porn and meet her. Rest of DJ is unintelligible.

      2. I'm hanging out/jamming with my friend Scott A. in the basement of my house. Q and S.T. come over. I go to greet them, but in my clumsiness I start a chain reaction that breaks a bunch of lamps. None of my friends seem to particularly care, but I grab a vacuum cleaner anyway. As I go for it, I realize I'm hungry. I take the vacuum with me and grab my bicycle, heading to my college cafeteria. Along the way, I am insulted about my age by Nathan S. and other jackasses from college. I ignore them and head into the cafeteria, where I first enter the bathroom.

      3. I'm playing a Star Trek version of the TIE Fighter video game. I successfully pilot a starfighter against impossible odds, several capital ships at a time. There's then a "trench run" sequence as in Star Wars, where I follow a freighter into a massive building. It's decorated as a nightclub for giants, and there's a critical spot on the floor that I need to shoot. I can't keep my craft steady enough to shoot and use the tractor beam at the same time and fail the mission.

      Updated 07-09-2011 at 04:32 AM by 32914

      non-lucid , dream fragment